橄欖果實只能經過一次冷壓初榨,其餘二次三次….,都是經過化學精製而成,而只有果實狀態及初榨而成的油酸等品質符合國際特級標準,才能稱之為特級冷壓初榨橄欖油extra virgin olive oil。
對於現今盛行的說法為PURE/LIGHT/POMANCE精製橄欖油才能耐高溫,讓IDUNN特別想了解這些精製橄欖油與extra virgin有那些不同,以下這張表,從材料、生產地點、生產方式、生產溫度及香氣/味道等一一明列比較,讓大家能清楚的了解原來可耐溫度竟是相同,但製程與生產地、營養成份與健康卻是大大不同。
Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil |
Refined olive oil |
Basis material |
Healthy fruit |
Olive waste, including the presscake, saturated filter sand and rancid oil |
Production site |
Olive mill |
Chemical plant |
Production method |
Pressing or extraction by mechanical means |
Distillation by means of chemicals (heptane) |
Production temperature |
< 27º C. |
> 100º C. |
Scent and taste |
A wide range of scents and tastes according to the variety of olive, its physical condition, the moment of harvesting, the microclimate and the method of extraction used |
Absent* |
Colour |
From green to golden yellow |
Absent* |
Viscosity (syrupiness) |
From low to high |
Low* |
Vitamin E |
Present |
Absent** |
Other antioxidants with medicinal properties. |
Present |
Absent** |
Smoke point |
210º C |
210º C |
Acidity |
Max. 0,8 º (natural) |
Max. 0,3 º (artificial) |
Benzopyrene |
Absent |
Present to the legally permissable level |
(See: EU Regulation EC/208/2005) |
*實務上會因為加入少許的冷壓初榨特級橄欖油,而稍稍獲得改善 |
**維他命E被萃取出來賣給製藥工業,或在精製過程中損耗掉 |
譯註:KINGNET國家網路醫院:橄欖油中引發喉嚨辣味與灼熱感的化學物質oleocanthal,有極強抑制發炎的效果,能有效降低血管發炎硬化、保持血管的暢通,進而減少失智症的發生,還可減輕關節發炎的症狀。 |
IDUNN翻譯自:http://www.solivera.com |